The alternatives asset class is one that typically doesn’t garner much attention and can be easy to overlook. The individual holdings themselves typically aren’t flashy, and, on balance, alternatives make […]
For middle to high income earners, there are IRS limitations on the tax benefits allowed for both Roth IRA and traditional IRA ownership. For an individual with a modified adjusted […]
Towards the end of the first quarter, the U.S. slapped tariffs on imported steel, aluminum, solar panels and washing machines. At first it was on all countries. Then several countries […]
We are pleased with OPCM’s 2017 returns. The OPCM Global Moderate Growth Composite was within a few percentage points of the return of the S&P 500, with less than 65% […]
Both domestically and throughout the globe, most equity markets generated 20%+ returns in 2017. Last year was a record for equities in many ways. Domestically, U.S. markets saw record low […]
As if December wasn’t already one of the busiest times of the year. In between planning menus, shopping for presents, getting groceries, lighting candles, coordinating travel arrangements, and taking care […]
The roller coaster for cryptoassets (digital assets that use cryptography for security) hit a euphoric point in late 2017. Since we published “Time to Bet on Bitcoin?” in October, bitcoin, […]
The fourth quarter brought greater clarity to the future of interest rates as the Federal Reserve began to shrink its huge $4.5 trillion balance sheet and followed through with a […]
My first job was as a real estate appraiser for Crocker Bank. I visited hundreds of homes and commercial properties over the course of two years and learned some things […]
The majority of the time, an IRA owner will list individual(s) as their intended beneficiaries on the IRA beneficiary designation form. Aside from being the most common option, there is good reason for the IRA owner to […]